ProjectWise Deliverables Management Help

To View Transmittal Responses (portal)

  1. Go to the Outgoing tab.
  2. Open a transmittal from the list and select the Responses tab.

    This tab is divided into two sections - a Summary at the top, and a Documents list at the bottom.

  3. In the Summary section, select whether you want to view the response progress for all recipients (select All from the Recipient list) or just the response progress of a specific recipient (select a recipient from the Recipient list).
    • Package / Recipient response progress

      When Recipient is set to All, the Package response progress bar shows what percentage of the documents in the package have been fully responded to. If none of the documents have been fully responded to (even if some documents have responses from some but not all recipients), then the response progress will be zero percent. When a specific recipient is selected, the Recipient response progress bar shows the percentage of documents that the selected recipient has responded to.

    • Responded documents by response type

      This color-coded chart shows what portion of documents in the package have which response status (either for all recipients, or just the selected recipient). The chart displays as a pie chart by default - click the bar chart and pie chart icons to switch the display as needed. When Recipient is set to All, the chart displays summarized response statuses, which is considered the least positive (or most negative) response of all responses received for a document. For example, if a document has been fully responded to, and most recipients approved the document, but one of the recipients rejected the document, then the response status for that document will be Rejected. These are the possible response statuses, from most positive (top) to most negative (bottom):

      • Will not respond
      • Approved
      • Approved with comments
      • Revise/Resubmit
      • Rejected

    In the Documents section you can see the responses for each document in the package. If Recipient is set to All, then all responses received so far for each document are shown. If a specific recipient is selected, only the responses of the selected recipient are shown for each document.

  4. Select a status filter to:
    • Show all - show all documents in the package
    • Show not responded - only show the documents that have not been fully responded to yet
    • Show approved - only show the documents that have been approved by at least one recipient
    • Show rejected - only show the documents that have been rejected
  5. Click the button to the right of a document to expand the row and see the responses for that document.
  6. For PDFs, click the View response button to open the PDF in the PDF Markup Service so that you can view any issues or annotations that have been added to the PDF, and also mark issues as fixed or reject the issues.

    For more information, see PDF Review Workflow (portal).